A Senior Policy and Engagement Officer at Independent Higher Education has published an article about the importance of collaboration for providers of all sizes (particularly small and specialists) to fulfil the requirements for the condition of registration given the widespread financial insecurity of the sector.
A researcher has written an article about the potential benefits of collaboration between university sexual violence support services and academic researchers.
This presentation provides an overview of the Office for Students condition of registration on harassment and sexual misconduct, and the implications for Student Services work across the UK.
Office for Students has published an analysis of the responses and decisions on their consultation regulating harassment and sexual misconduct in English higher education.
On 14 December 2023 AMOSSHE Vice Chair Emma Bales (University of Cumbria) attended a meeting with OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education) to explore how the OIA can support smaller higher education providers (HEPs) to provide advice and guidance to students going through complaint or disciplinary procedures.
Sam Boyle (Senior Policy and Research Officer, AMOSSHE) helps members understand and respond to policy changes in the higher education sector that impact the work of Student Services.
This session explores the legal principles applying to student cases of sexual harassment or misconduct and to the troubled question of legal representation of students.
On 26 June 2019 AMOSSHE Executive Member Simon Lee (Deputy Director Resilience, Sport and Wellbeing, Teesside University) attended a roundtable discussion about student initiations, hosted by Universities UK.
Here's the job description and person specifications relating to a Student Support and Training Officer (Sexual Violence and Misconduct), submitted by AMOSSHE members.