HEMHIT (Higher Education Mental Health Implementation Taskforce) has published a range of case studies from various UK providers showcasing the development and implementation of compassionate communications.
Keith Houghton (Head of Student Support Services, The University of Law) discussed developing policies and processes related to fitness / support to study, including fitness / support to return, and including the student voice in the process.
Sam Boyle (Senior Policy and Research Officer, AMOSSHE) discussed insights from the initial research he has carried out with AMOSSHE members who have reviewed their fitness to study policies. The session covered challenges and learning outcomes, next steps and future opportunities for engagement.
This session, led by Levi Pay (Director, Plinth House Ltd) helped to set the scene for the rest of our event by stepping back and exploring key questions about the purpose and role of our fitness to study policies and procedures.
On 15 October 2019 Benjamin Parsons (Head of Engagement, AMOSSHE) attended a workshop about fitness to practise in higher education, led by OIA (Office for the Independent Adjudicator).
Sam Boyle (Senior Policy and Research Officer, AMOSSHE) helps members understand and respond to policy changes in the higher education sector that impact the work of Student Services.
Sam Boyle (Senior Policy and Research Officer, AMOSSHE) helps members understand and respond to policy changes in the higher education sector that impact the work of Student Services.