The OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator) has published resources about student complaints to the OIA concerning harassment and sexual misconduct.
The Office for Students has published a recap from their session at Universities’ UK event on tackling harassment on the E6 condition and sexual misconduct survey.
Advance HE has published a new competency framework developed by the HEMHIT (Higher Education Mental Health Implementation Taskforce) for responding to students in distress.
AMOSSHE Conference 2024 keynote speaker Dr Monika Nangia has written an article highlighting the power of storytelling to improve leadership opportunities for women of colour in higher education.
The President of Surrey Students’ Union has written an article about reasonable adjustments, which responds to another article about universities creating too many adjustments.
INTO Global, a recruitment organisation for international students, has published research which has found that visa delays are significantly impacting international students’ experiences.
A Digital Learning Developer at the University of the West of England Bristol has written an article about the potential of educational podcasts for supporting commuter students to develop their employability skills.