Putting the UK University Mental Health Charter into Action with TalkCampus
While the Charter outlines clear principles for best practice, translating these into tangible action can be challenging.
This review explores how the TalkCampus peer support platform aligns and advances the Charter’s principles, such as fostering inclusivity, encouraging early engagement and help seeking and adopting a whole-university approach. It provides practical guidance on how institutions can use peer support to enhance student wellbeing and build a stronger, more connected university community. Whether it’s improving accessibility, creating a sense of belonging, or empowering students to draw upon additional avenues for support, TalkCampus contributes to a culture of care where every student can thrive.
TalkCampus is a 24/7 peer-led platform that promotes connection and wellbeing among students. By offering immediate, anonymous, and accessible peer support at any time, TalkCampus helps bridge gaps in support and foster stronger, more connected communities.
With growing pressures on student wellbeing services, innovative solutions like TalkCampus can help institutions meet the evolving needs of students while aligning to the Charter’s vision.
Read our practical steps to meet the Charter’s standards with Peer Support here.