Submit your examples

We welcome examples from all areas of tackling harassment and sexual misconduct.

Basic information about contributor
Please provide details to identify who you are so that we can ensure we're gathering data from a representative sample of AMOSSHE members. Your name won't appear in any published outputs or analysis of the data.

Data sharing agreement

By submitting your example of practice, you agree to share your data for this AMOSSHE resource. Any reporting may be broken down by institution size and/or nation. AMOSSHE won’t publish details of individuals, or data specific to any individual organisation, unless you specify otherwise.

We may use anonymised (not identifiable) data in later publications, reports, presentations, web pages and other outputs. Any data shared outside of the membership will be anonymised and only refer to the nation and/or size of institution, according to our membership categories.

You can retract your resource from our website at any time by contacting usYou can retract your example from any of our anonymised outputs up until 9:00 on Monday 3 March 2025 when research analysis commences.

Areas of focus

We welcome examples of any aspect of your approach to tackling harassment and sexual misconduct. Share any aspect of your approach, using our prompts for guidance. Submitting examples for all areas isn't required.

Prompts to help guide your submission about a comprehensive resource

  • Where is the comprehensive resource located?
  • What does the comprehensive resource include?
  • How is it communicated to students (prospective and current) and staff?
  • Have students been involved in the creation of the resource?

Prompts to help guide your submission about staff training

  • Is your staff training delivered online or in-person?
  • Is the training in-person or can someone do it in their own time?
  • Is the training delivered in-house or by a third party?
  • What does the training include?
  • How have you ensured that the training is evidence-based and delivered by individuals with credible and demonstrable expertise?
  • What financial resourcing has the training required?
  • Has your training been evaluated? If so, what impact has this had (if any)?

Prompts to help guide your submission about student training

  • Is your student training delivered online or in-person?
  • Is the training in-person or can someone do it in their own time?
  • Is the training delivered in-house or by a third party?
  • What does the training include?
  • How have you ensured that the training is evidence-based and delivered by individuals with credible and demonstrable expertise?
  • What financial resourcing has the training required?
  • Have students been involved in the creation of the training?
  • Have you implemented a process for student exemptions?
  • Has your training been evaluated? If so, what impact has this had (if any)?

Prompts to help guide your submission about relationships between students and staff

  • Have you banned student-staff relationships? If so, what does your policy include?
  • If you’re not enforcing a ban, how are you ensuring that you're making a significant and credible difference in protecting students from abuse of power?
  • Have students been involved in developing your approach to this topic?
  • How will your approach to this topic be communicated to students / staff?

Prompts to help guide your submission about reporting mechanisms and investigations

  • Was the reporting tool developed in-house or purchased in from a third-party?
  • What financial resources has the reporting tool and / or investigatory process required?
  • How do you ensure that your investigatory and decision-making process is credible and fair?
  • How is the reporting mechanism and / or investigatory process communicated to students and staff?
  • Have students been involved in the development of the reporting mechanism and / or investigatory process?
  • Has your reporting mechanism and / or investigatory approach been evaluated? If so, what impact has this had (if any)?

Prompts to help guide your submission about support for students

  • Is the support provided in-house or through a third party?
  • What kinds of support do you signpost to (for example, specialist personal support, academic support services)?
  • What financial resources has this required?
  • How do you support students with differing support needs (for example, students who have alleged and/or experienced incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct compared to students who are the actual or alleged perpetrators)?
  • How is the support available communicated to students and staff?
  • Have students been involved in the development of the support systems?
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