National Conference 2025 sponsorship
On Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 July 2025 we're hosting our three day in-person AMOSSHE National Conference 2025 at the Eastside Rooms in Birmingham.This is our flagship event, and the largest annual gathering of Student Services leaders in the UK, attracting around 250+ paying delegates. The conference features a full programme of consecutive sessions, including keynote speakers, member case studies, interactive workshops and networking opportunities. Find out more about sponsoring this event by exploring our packages below.
National Conference 2025 virtual exhibitor sponsor

£1,000 + VAT
We have three sponsor spaces available.
As a virtual exhibitor, your organisation benefits from the following:
- Your logo on the event page of the AMOSSHE website, with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website).
- We'll promote and engage you as a sponsor of the event on our social media platform (LinkedIn).
- Your logo with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website) in the:
- Delegate information email sent in advance of the event to all attendees.
- Feedback and resources emails sent to all attendees after the event.
- Your logo in the event welcome and introduction presentation, plus thanks for your support as an official sponsor in speeches delivered by the AMOSSHE Executive team.
- A list of all booked delegates (including their names, job titles, organisations and email addresses) one week in advance of the conference. This list only includes delegates who choose to share their data with you.
- If you want to, you can have a page on the AMOSSHE website, connected to the event. This provides opportunities for you to feature information about your organisation, including:
- Your organisation URL and contact details.
- A description to introduce your organisation.
- Embedded videos.
- Links to your social media accounts.
National Conference 2025 exhibitor sponsor

£4,500 + VAT
We have 13 sponsor spaces available.
As an exhibitor, your organisation benefits from the full virtual sponsorship package benefits as detailed above, plus:
- Two residential delegate places, including accommodation at the conference venue, all meals, a place at both evening events, and full access to all sessions.
- One physical exhibition stand (six foot table in the exhibition space) for the duration of the event. This space hosts all refreshment breaks during the day including lunch on each day of the conference and provides opportunities for you to interact with delegates in person. You can choose the position of your stand, with priority choice given to sponsors who book early.
National Conference 2025 partner sponsor

£6,500 + VAT
We have five sponsor spaces available.
As a partner, your organisation benefits from the full exhibition sponsorship package benefits as detailed above, plus:
- Brand prominence as AMOSSHE’s National Conference partner.
- One 60 second advert about your organisation played once during opening and welcome speeches on either the first or second day of the conference.
National Conference 2025 sponsor session

£1,000 + VAT
Lead a session as part of the main programme for delegates to choose from. We have eight sponsor spaces available.
This is your opportunity to contribute to the professional development of our members and their colleagues in the UK and around the world. Show how your organisation understands and connects with the trends, topics and concerns of the sector. Show that your organisation is a true partner to the sector by discussing a topic that’s at the heart of Student Services concerns. For example, you could lead a discussion about a hot topic, present new research or case studies from your clients, or bring expert insights to the conversation.
Leading a session is available to organisations that have purchased a virtual, exhibition or partner sponsorship package for the National Conference 2025. Virtual exhibitors can attend the conference at the non-member rate to take up the presentation opportunity.
Your organisation benefits from the following:
- One 30 minute session slot featured in our main event programme, to take place on either first or second day of the conference. Your session is scheduled as one of four sponsor-led sessions for delegates to choose from.
- Your opportunity to display banners and promotional materials whilst presenting.
National Conference 2025 networking reception sponsor

£2,000 + VAT
We have one sponsor space available for the networking reception.
Whether you purchase another National Conference 2025 sponsorship package or not, you can promote your organisation at the conference by sponsoring the networking reception on the first evening of the event (Wednesday 2 July). This evening event is an informal opportunity for delegates to meet, and attracts all the residential delegates at the conference (around 200 delegates).
As the exclusive sponsor of the evening, your organisation benefits from the following:
- One delegate place to attend the evening event, including dinner.
- Your logo in the welcome and introduction presentation, plus thanks for your support as an official sponsor in speeches delivered by the AMOSSHE Executive team.
- A two-minute speech to delegates, presented by you, before the meal.
- Your logo on the event page of the AMOSSHE website, with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website).
- Your logo with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website) in the:
- Delegate information email sent in advance of the event to all attendees.
- Feedback and resources emails sent to all attendees after the event.
- A list of all booked delegates (including their names, job titles, organisations and email addresses) one week in advance of the conference. This list only includes delegates who choose to share their data with you.
- You’re welcome to display your banners and promotional materials in the networking space.
National Conference 2025 gala dinner reception sponsor

£2,500 + VAT
We have one sponsor space available for the gala dinner reception.
Whether you purchase another National Conference 2025 sponsorship package or not, you can promote your organisation at the conference by sponsoring the networking reception before the gala dinner on the last evening of the conference (Thursday 3 July). This is a drinks reception before delegates sit down to a three-course dinner, which attracts all the residential delegates at the conference (around 200 delegates).
As the exclusive sponsor of the evening, your organisation benefits from the following:
- One delegate place to attend the evening event, including dinner.
- Your logo in the welcome and introduction presentation, plus thanks for your support as an official sponsor in speeches delivered by the AMOSSHE Executive team.
- A two-minute speech to delegates, presented by you, before the meal.
- Your logo on the event page of the AMOSSHE website, with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website).
- Your logo with a link to your organisation’s URL (or your organisation’s page on the AMOSSHE website) in the:
- Delegate information email sent in advance of the event to all attendees.
- Feedback and resources emails sent to all attendees after the event.
- A list of all booked delegates (including their names, job titles, organisations and email addresses) one week in advance of the conference. This list only includes delegates who choose to share their data with you.
- You’re welcome to display your banners and promotional materials in the networking space.