Expenses policy

Read our policy about claiming your expenses if you've undertaken official AMOSSHE business.

This policy is applicable to all individuals seeking reimbursement of expenses by AMOSSHE while undertaking official AMOSSHE business. Factors taken into account in assessing value for money include cost, risk, and convenience. AMOSSHE is a membership based organisation, so costs to be claimed should provide the best value for money for our members while considering our corporate social responsibility and the need to support those who carry out work on behalf of AMOSSHE. Objectives of the AMOSSHE expenses policy: 

  • To obtain maximum value for money
  • That expenditure represents only the necessary and reasonable costs incurred while engaged on AMOSSHE business
  • To reimburse staff promptly for costs incurred on AMOSSHE business
  • To continue our corporate social responsibility.

Procedural matters

All those acting on official AMOSSHE business must adhere to this expenses policy.

All expenses must be validated by submission of either an expense claim form or debit card form in conjunction with itemised receipts or agreed documentation.

Claims must be made within six weeks of the date on which actual costs were incurred, or for travel claims, within six weeks of the date of travel.

In exceptional circumstances, advance payments can be requested for payments incurred on behalf of AMOSSHE. These requests should be made and agreed with the National Office. Where booking in advance utilises reduced rates (for example, travel or events), advance claims will be met as routine.

The National Office will assume that claimants have taken reasonable and informed decisions about all purchases or travel arrangements before arranging them. They will seek confirmation where this may be unclear.

Where purchases have been made by another organisation’s procurement procedures, for example using a university’s travel booking provider, AMOSSHE will assume that the agency has undertaken to provide the best value for money and compared costs.

Three quotes must be obtained for all major purchasing decisions for the National Office or travel of over £150. The selected provider must demonstrate best value for money; this will normally by the cheapest quote obtained but, in some cases, other factors may lead to an alternative purchase.

If a claimant chooses to spend more than the threshold rate for accommodation, subsistence, or any other item, without previously agreeing this with the National Office, only the threshold amount will be reimbursed.

The National Office manager (or other officer as appropriate) will seek authorisation from the Vice Chair (Operations) for all expense claims in excess of £500.

In the event of any dispute over eligible claims, or payments that are refused, the Vice Chair (Operations) will take a final decision.

Debit cards

All AMOSSHE Executive members holding a chair or vice chair post, annual conference leads, and one named person in the National Office are entitled to a debit card on request. Bank statements will be monitored, and where they do not tally with the receipts and expense claims / debit card forms submitted, this will be checked. The Vice Chair (Operations) may determine at any point that a debit card should be withdrawn.

People who hold an AMOSSHE purchasing card are under no circumstances allowed to incur private costs on the AMOSSHE purchasing card.


Requirement to travel must be assessed as beneficial to AMOSSHE. Factors for consideration should include time lost during travel, and if the business could be completed by conference call. Travel must be agreed as necessary with the National Office. Travel must be deemed necessary and expenses kept to the minimum. Corporate social responsibility requires that we consider environmentally positive travel arrangements.

Reservations must be made in advance where possible to take advantage of reduced rates. In no case will payments be made for costs incurred for journeys between the normal place of work and home. No cost will be paid for costs incurred by individuals accompanying those on AMOSSHE business. No expenses should be submitted for expenses incurred for days taken as a holiday linked to a business trip.

Domestic travel

Rail travel should be at standard class rate. First class travel is only permitted if:

  • The cost of an advance first class single is less than the standard fare on the day of travel.
  • An internet connection is required during travel for AMOSSHE business, that is included in the first-class ticket price, but would be at additional cost in standard class travel. This will only be accepted if the cost of standard class travel plus internet is greater than the cost of the first-class travel.

Local travel (for example, bus, tube, tram) journeys incurred should be for business purposes only, and claims must be supported by a ticket, receipt, or in London, Oyster itemised printout (where similar systems are utilised in other cities, an itemised breakdown of journeys by the service provider must be submitted).

Where possible, we encourage the use of Oyster cards to take advantage of discounted rates of travel in London. If you use a personal Oyster card, please submit an itemised printout of travel with the relevant claim form. Oyster cards can be provided on request from the National Office. AMOSSHE will not fund personal travel on Oyster.

Taxis should only be taken for short journeys where no other form of transport is available, or where safety is a concern. Taxis used for convenience should be agreed in advance with the National Office.

Car hire should be agreed in principle with the National Office, and the claimant will need to demonstrate that where possible three quotes were obtained prior to booking. This evidence must be submitted with the appropriate claim form.

Private motor vehicle use must be agreed with the National Office. Assessment criteria and mileage allowance information are below.

Mileage allowance

Maximum mileage rates for private vehicles

Cumulative distance in tax year

Rate per mile


Up to 10,000 business miles


Car or van

Over 10,000 business miles



Any distance



Any distance



Additional passengers: for each employee who travels on business as a passenger, an

additional 5p per mile can be claimed.

Car parking costs incurred while on AMOSSHE business will be reimbursed subject to the provision of appropriate receipts. If you are unable to gain a receipt for a meter, please provide details on the expense claim form.

Claims for costs incurred for fines, excess charges and such expenses will not be met by AMOSSHE under any circumstances.

Flights should be agreed with the National Office, and where flights will cost over £150 return, three quotes may be requested, or alternative evidence as appropriate that this method of travel is the most suitable and delivers value for money. There is a general  assumption that colleagues travelling from Northern Ireland or Scotland to meetings in London for AMOSSHE business will normally fly, and such flights need only be agreed with the National Office where their cost is over £150 return.

International travel

Flights to non-UK destinations should be agreed with the National Office in advance, and where flights will cost over £200 return, three quotes must be provided, or alternative evidence as appropriate that this method of travel and cost is the most suitable and delivers value for money.

Costs incurred while abroad should be assessed for value for money and corporate social responsibility. Details of likely expenses should be provided to the National Office in advance of travelling for approval.

Accommodation outside of the UK must be agreed in advance with the National Office.


Hotel accommodation on board and breakfast basis will be paid for when away overnight on AMOSSHE business. Rates will be paid in London at up to £150 per night, outside of London at up to £90 per night.

We encourage early booking where possible to take advantage of reduced rates. Where possible, three quotes should be sourced prior to booking.

While on AMOSSHE business, if you choose to be accommodated by relatives / friends you can claim a rate of £25 per night. Other subsistence claims can be made in addition to this in line with this policy excluding dinner.

Overnight accommodation costs for AMOSSHE events may be above the standard allowance rate where they are a 24-hour delegate rate, and thus include meals and conference venue facilities as well as overnight rooms. These will be considered in the context of other local rates, where possible drawing upon a minimum of three quotes. This will normally apply for the Executive residential meeting each year and the AMOSSHE national conference.


Subsistence rates up to set limit (see below) can be claimed when on AMOSSHE business away from home or the usual place of work. Itemised receipts and an expense or debit card form must be provided.

Claims for alcohol will not normally be accepted; one alcoholic drink may be reimbursed with dinner providing it falls within the £25 allowance. If a meal exceeds the allowance in the table below, AMOSSHE will normally reimburse up to the maximum allowance only; it is the individual’s choice if they wish to purchase a higher cost meal and cover the additional fee themselves. The only situation in which this might be waived is if food is not available within the maximum allowance threshold.

Maximum subsistence rates that can be claimed



Out of office with no meal provided at core meal times (breakfast and lunch)

£8 per meal (breakfast / lunch) – maximum £16 per day if both breakfast and lunch purchased

One to eight hours with food provided


Evening meal (if accommodation provided)


Overnight stay with family or friends (this is the maximum subsistence allowance you can claim for any one day – you cannot claim this in conjunction with an evening meal or daily subsistence claim)


Meetings / hospitality

Hospitality costs can only be claimed when a business requirement has been demonstrated and costs are reasonable. They will not normally include alcohol. All hospitality claims must include names of attendees, the organisation they are from, those present from AMOSSHE, and the business requirement.

Catering for meetings of AMOSSHE employees and officers solely: purpose of meeting, details of location and number of attendees must be submitted with an expense claim form.

Catering for hospitality: purpose of meeting, details of location and name of attendees and their organisation must be submitted with an expense or debit card form.

External publications / courses

Publications deemed of sufficient value to AMOSSHE business should be agreed with the National Office in advance.

To deem attendance necessary at external courses and conferences, and for tax-free reimbursement, it must be demonstrated that attendance is necessary to carry out duties of employment or there is a business requirement to attend.

Skills courses for National Office staff will be considered as training and development, and a budget line has been created for this. The National Office manager may determine how this budget is spent. Any training costs in addition to that budget, or conference attendance, will be discussed with the Vice Chair (Operations).

Telephone / internet costs

Details of dates, times and durations should be kept and recorded on either an expense or debit card form, along with itemised receipt. Reimbursement should only be sought for costs incurred for AMOSSHE business and not for personal or other business usage.